太和水拟3.43亿元扩充算力 遭问询保壳






Recently, the wholly owned subsidiary of Taohe Water (605081.SH), Shanghai Weihe Technology Co., Ltd., signed a contract worth 3.43 billion RMB with Shanghai Jiantang Information Technology Co., Ltd. for high-performance computing equipment in 2024. This move has attracted attention from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and prompted inquiries into the doubts surrounding the transaction.

Taohe Water and Shanghai Weihe Technology were established only six months ago to implement this order. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has questioned Taohe Water and Shanghai Weihe Technology about their qualifications, personnel arrangements, facilities, and technical reserves in related fields. It also requires an explanation of the relationship between Shanghai Jiantang and company director candidate Li Weigang.

Taohe Water has been facing difficulties in recent years, with its market capitalization now at just 1.318 billion RMB. Although the company stated in its half-year report that it will “carefully consider and actively explore opportunities for outward expansion,” the cross-border bet on high-performance computing is considered irrelevant to the company’s main business. The Shanghai Stock Exchange pointed out in its inquiry letter that Taohe Water may have artificially constructed trade contracts to avoid financial listing risks.

With Taohe Water’s shrinking market capitalization, its basic water environment governance business has become increasingly challenging. Although the company attempted to enter the health food industry by acquiring Heilongjiang Haier Beverage Co., Ltd., the competitive environment for drinking water remains fierce, making it unclear how much share the company can gain.
